Saturday, May 21, 2011

Don't They Know It's the End of the World?

So we've had a lot of discussions and a lot of laughs in our office this week, after World Radio put a billboard up not more than 400-500 m from our building. One of our number wanted to know if the world would end before or after the rugby on the 21st. Another wanted to know if she should cancel her girls' night out with her friend. I just wanted it to happen early so that I didn't have to go grocery shopping - it's the bane of my life!

So what this thought-provoking and amusing billboard said was "Judgment Day: 21st May 2011" and in a little bubble to the side it said "The Bible guarantees it!", then in small letters the World Radio website, AM frequency, and the time of the broadcast - 18h00 - 21h00. Apparently, according to one Harold Camping, a pastor in America, it's all going to kick off with a worldwide earthquake, and the Rapture will take place. The world will cease to exist on 21st October 2011.

Before you go off and start buying a lifetime supply of baked beans and corned beef, here's some good news. I'm typing this at 5.24 pm. Still 35 minutes to go till 6 pm. BUT if you're reading this in Auckland, Sydney, Fiji, Tokyo, Beijing - guess what??? It's already the 22nd!!!! Good morning, and welcome to a world that has not ended yet!

BUT this did get me thinking. If you knew for sure that the world WAS going to end today, what would you do? Is there something you know you have been doing wrong that you want to make amends for? Is there a family member you need to apologise to for something that happened long ago? Someone you've been meaning to call, but haven't got around to doing it? Then I'm going to say to you - you are not guaranteed tomorrow. The Rapture may or may not happen tonight. You may have a car accident when you go out later, or you may live for another 70 years. We are never guaranteed any time but now. If you have unfinished business, and amends to make, make them now.

In terms of Harold Camping's predictions, I can safely say he's wrong to pin a date on it, and most likely we'll see the sun rise on another day tomorrow. What Jesus himself said was, "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only" (Matthew 24:36). Jesus doesn't know, the angels don't know, and some number-crunching preacher in California certainly doesn't know for sure.

Harold Camping - false prophet?
That's the thing.  Don't be deceived.  Judgment Day is coming.  It really is.  Not even scientists or conservationists would disagree with me on this one.  The way we exploit natural resources, the dictatorships we see in parts of the world, the rampant holy wars and hatred among nations, the great poverty in some countries, global warming and the melting of the ice caps - all of us, deep in our hearts, know it can't go on like this forever.  Will it happen in my lifetime?  That's not my call - that's God's call.  All I know is that He's said we need to be ready, because we don't know the hour.  Again I ask, if Judgment Day were to happen tonight, where would you find yourself?  Would you be looking upward looking for the break in the clouds and listening for that trumpet? Or would you be filled with horror and dread at the thought of what is to come?  God is very clear that it WILL take place, but He's also made it clear that if we repent and turn to Him, any talk of the Rapture will not be a cause for consternation, but a source of celebration. We'll have a new address, and it won't be on this earth.  We'll be taken where there's no pain, no death, no sadness, endless peace and joy.

I leave you with this final thought.  You might be reading this and thinking I'm a religious nut, a total Jesus freak.  It's cool if you do - I've been called worse.  You may argue there is no God, and it's your right to do so.  So what if you're right?  It means that you carry on as you normally do, and hopefully my life is lived out in such a way that it makes the world a better place for the people whose path I cross. Hopefully, I manage to pour out some love and kindness on people, and bring smiles maybe where there were tears, living a good, law-abiding, hopeful, peaceful life.  When you die, that's it. When I die, hopefully some people will say some nice things about me, and remember me fondly.

Now, just think about it - what if I'm right?  On your judgment day, whenever that will be, what will you say? For some of you it's already 22nd May - "Judgment Day 2011" has passed.  But you haven't escaped.  God's just given you another chance. Don't leave it too late.


  1. Well said. :)

    Is there really a that billboard outside the Refinery? I thought Family Radio was confined to the U.S.A.

  2. Thanks, Dev :)

    No, it broadcasts in Russia, Turkey, the Philippines and Lesotho - AM 1187 MHz.

    The billboard is as you're crossing Main Rd on the N2 just before the turnoff to the Refinery. If you're coming from Strand or Somerset West, you can't miss it. It's right behind Storage RSA in the Somerset West Business Park.
